Following on from the hit TV adaptations of Preacher and The Boys, legendary comic creator Garth Ennis now has his eye on the big screen with THR reporting that he’s written a screenplay for a big screen take on his series Crossed, which has been picked up for development by Six Studios.
Based on the original ten issue volume by Ennis and artist Jacen Burrows published by Avatar Press between 2008 and 2010, Crossed is set in ” a pandemic-stricken world, in which those who catch a disease are marked with a cross-like rash on their faces. Those afflicted follow their worst impulses — think a zombie apocalypse, but instead of zombies, these are humans who retain their intellect, but are homicidal maniacs.”
Crossed is being produced by Carl Choi of Six Studios, who has described Ennis’ screenplay as “Contagion meets The Walking Dead with hints of Alex Garland’s Civil War” and called it “the most faithful adaptation possible”.
Six Studios is currently searching for a director on the project, which is slated to begin production in the fall with a budget of between $2 million and $3 million.