Angel Studios has shared a trailer for The King of Kings, the animated feature from director Seong-ho Jang which sees a child use his vivid imagination to transport himself inside his bedtime tale as his father, Charles Dickens, tells him the story of Jesus Christ.
The film features the voice talents of Kenneth Branagh, Uma Thurman, Pierce Brosnan, Oscar Isaac, Mark Hamill, Forest Whitaker, Ben Kingsley, and Roman Griffin Davis. Watch the trailer below…
A father tells his son the greatest story ever told, and what begins as a bedtime tale becomes a life-changing journey. Through vivid imagination, the boy walks alongside Jesus, witnessing His miracles, facing His trials, and understanding His ultimate sacrifice. The King of Kings invites us to rediscover the enduring power of hope, love, and redemption through the eyes of a child.
The King of Kings arrives in cinemas on April 11th.