Marvel Comics has announced the upcoming release of Marvel Rivals #1, a special one-shot comic inspired by Marvel Games and NetEase Games’ hit PvP shooter videogame.
Written by Paul Allor with art from Luca Claretti, Marvel Rivals #1 will collect the six-issue Marvel Rivals Infinity Comic in print for the first team, and depicts a clash between two teams of heroes pulled from the roster of playable characters in the game, including icons like Spider-Man, Wolverine and Captain America and breakout stars Jeff the Land Shark and Luna Snow.
Set in Tokyo 2099, the time rift has disrupted the Web of Life and Destiny, leaving the world’s heroes to battle it out over the best way to fix it. One group, led by Peni Parker, wants to plug the Web into Cyberspace to repair it. The other group, led by Spider-Man, favors a more conservative approach of using Chronovium to strengthen the web and allow it to repair itself. The time rift makes rivals out of us all, but which team will overtake the other?
Here’s the main cover to Marvel Rivals #1 from Tokitokoro, along with a variant cover by Federico Sabbatini…
Marvel Rivals #1 will go on sale on April 2nd 2025.