Dynamite Entertainment launches its new crossover series Red Sonja Attacks Mars next week, and you can get yourself a sneak peek at the first issue right now with the official preview below…
New master of horror comics Jay Stephens (Dwellings, Tales From The Abyss) and Red Sonja/Mars Attacks artist Fran Strukan stir some adventure and dark comedy into a cauldron of ancient Hyborian terrors!
While serving out a life-debt, Red Sonja uncovers a sinister prophesy of cosmic foulness from beyond the stars and must trek from the deserts south of Hyrkania all the way to the northern shores of the Vilayet Sea to face down the insidious invaders from Mars. Serpent-Men! Undead Martians! Gender swapping! Apemen! Metamorlocks! Martian Pirates! Angry ancient Monster-Gods! An owl with a human face!… don’t miss this retro-scifi/fantasy epic that is sure to take you places you didn’t imagine were possible.
Red Sonja Attacks Mars #1 is out on Wednesday, March 19th 2025.