Despite the fact he’s yet to officially sign on the dotted line, it’s looking all but certain that Channing Tatum will take over the role of Gambit from Taylor Kitsch in 20th Century Fox’s X-Men franchise. Speaking to MTV News to coincide with the release of 22 Jump Street [read our review here], Tatum has suggested that Gambit could make his debut in a solo feature (as opposed to 2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse, presumably) and that he’d like to “change superhero movies” with his turn as the card-throwing mutant:
“Creatively, we’re starting to chug forward. Obviously there’s nothing [official]. There are only conversations and dreams right now, really. I’ve been pretty vocal about wanting to be the part of Gambit for a very long time. It’s a weird, pinching-myself moment that we’re even having the conversation. We’ve talked about it being a standalone, first, and actually trying to change the ‘hero, superhero movie.’ Because Gambit is not your typical hero. He’s a thief. He walks on the gray. I’m hoping we can change it a little bit, and then ultimately feather into the other ones.”
Are you looking forward to seeing Channing Tatum’s take on the character, and would a solo Gambit movie be the right move? Let us know your thoughts…