TBS has given the greenlight to Final Space, an animated comedy series from Olan Rogers, which is described as a serialized intergalactic space saga about an astronaut named Gary and his adorable, planet-destroying friend, Mooncake as they look to unlock the mystery of ‘Final Space’, a.k.a. the end of the universe.
Final Space initially started out as a seven-minute pilot short, which caught the attention of Conan O’Brien, who then took the project to TBS. O’Brien will serve as an executive producer on the show alongside Rogers, who has co-written the series with David Sacks (Pig Goat Banana Cricket).
Here’s a promo for the series, along with the original short…
“Olan pitched us Final Space voicing all the characters and dancing around the conference room,” said Thom Hinkle, SVP of original programming for TBS. “It was kind of like a comedic MOON – genuinely funny and oddly heartfelt. We bought it in the room. So did other networks. We’re glad he chose us. XO.”
Final Space is expected to air on TBS in 2018.