DreamWorks Animation and Netflix have announced that Guillermo del Toro’s Trollhunters has been renewed for a second season of 13 episodes, which will arrive later this year and follows Jim as he ventures deeper into the Troll world to battle the vicious leader of the Darklands, while his team works to maintain order in the human world.
From the limitless imagination of master storyteller Guillermo Del Toro comes a tale of two worlds set to collide in the epic saga DreamWorks’ Trollhunters. When ordinary teenager Jim Lake Jr. stumbles upon a mystical amulet on his way to school one morning, he inadvertently discovers an extraordinary secret civilization of mighty trolls beneath his small town of Arcadia. Strong-willed and seeking adventure but wholly unprepared for the responsibilities thrust upon him, Jim is forced to take on the exalted mantle of Trollhunter, sworn to protect the good trolls from powerful enemies bent on revenge. The first human ever to hold the honor, Jim abruptly goes from fighting his way through the daily mayhem of high school to joining a war that has raged for centuries, a conflict that now threatens all of mankind and troll-kind alike. Accompanied by his closest human friends and a few key troll allies, the courageous fifteen-year-old must plunge headlong into a fantastical world of astonishing creatures, glorious cities, and fierce enemies desperate to destroy him. Suddenly destined to play a crucial role in an ancient battle of good and evil with stakes that couldn’t be higher, Jim is determined to save the world — right after gym class. DreamWorks’ Trollhunters is a heroic tale that uncoils with ambitious, complex storytelling and stunning visuals that raise the bar for animated series, creating an event series that will thrill the entire family.
The first season of Trollhunters is available now on Netflix and features a voice cast that includes Anton Yelchin, Charlie Saxton, Kelsey Grammer, Ron Perlman, Steven Yeun, Jonathan Hyde, Lexi Madrano, Amy Landecker and Fred Tatasciore.