The Clive Owen led period medical drama The Knick, set during the 1900s and revolving around a New York hospital, received plenty of top reviews during its two season run, but Cinemax have now decided enough is enough.
With every episode directed by Steven Soderbergh, quite the task over two whole seasons, the series had a lot going for it. But when the show’s lead character, played by Owen, was seemingly killed off at the end of last season, the fate of the show seemed uncertain.
While there were initial plans for the series to continue – setting future seasons twenty years into the future and involving new characters – Cinemax have now pulled the plug, saying the following after Variety reported on the cancellation:
“After a critically acclaimed two-season run of The Knick on Cinemax, we will not be going forward with additional episodes of the series,” said Kary Antholis, president, HBO Miniseries and Cinemax Programming. “Despite our pride in and affection for the series, as well as our respect for and gratitude towards Steven Soderbergh and his team, we have decided to return Cinemax to its original primetime series fare of high-octane action dramas, many of which will be internationally co-produced”.
While fans of the show will of course be saddened, it’s always good to see a series end before the inevitable downfall. Going out on top form is always preferable, and something not many shows are able to achieve.