According to THR, Showtime is in development on a sequel to the groundbreaking lesbian drama series The L Word, which will see series creator Ilene Chaiken executive producing alongside original stars Jennifer Beals (Bette), Kate Moennig (Shane) and Leisha Hailey (Alice), who will also reprise their roles should the project move ahead.
The site reports that the sequel would see Beals, Moennig and Hailey’s characters connecting with a new ensemble on women, whose lives, loves and tribulations would be the focus of the new series. The door is also open for the return of the likes of Erin Daniels (Dana), Laurel Holloman (Tina), Mia Kirshner (Jenny), Sarah Shahi (Carmen) and Pam Grier (Kit).
The L Word premiered on Showtime in January 2004 and ran for 70 episodes across six seasons. Chaiken first explored the possibility of a spinoff in 2008, shooting a pilot for The Farm, although Showtime declined to pick it up to series. Chaiken and Showtime did however launch the reality spinoff The Real L Word in 2010, which ran for three seasons.