The October Update for Gears of War 4 will arrive on Monday 23rd October for Season Pass holders (30th October for everyone else) and with it comes the last two maps, optimisations to storage and support for the upcoming Xbox One X Enhancements. Watch the new video below to see the new maps…
The final 2 maps in the October update will take players to the Fuel Depot and Lift Apex where battles will rage just as much as, if not more than, the maps released to date.
Fuel Depot is a remake of the map from the original Gears of War but brings it more to life for Gears 4. This map is a large size allowing plenty of room for flanking while also providing opportunities for catching enemies out in the open. The warehouse in the map will suit Gnasher fans to a tee with the amount of cover on offer while the warehouse shutters still make excellent positions for lancer fire.
Lift Apex is set in an Imulsion Extraction Facility in the middle of the Serano ocean and is a re-imagined map design minus the moving lift and expanding territory. A submarine bay offers an enclosed defensible position making it ideal for Horde games. This area is also elevated giving players a good view at oncoming enemies. There are timed shutters in the control room that can be closed by players and offer a bit of breathing space for a limited time.
October’s update also marks the end of the Developer Playlists with Double XP and 20% Bonus Credits but fear not as a new bonus in the coming months called the ‘Map Owned’ bonus is being introduced that will offer a permanent percentage increase in XP and Credit gain for any maps you own whenever you play on them in Public Versus or Horde.
Those of you who look at the storage space taken up with Gears of War 4 will appreciate the optimisations to the storage so even after the update the overall file size for the game will be smaller.
Finally, this update helps prepare for the enhancements for playing on the Xbox One X if you plan on buying one when it is released. However, don’t toggle this option if you’re not planning to upgrade just yet as you’ll only be taking up storage space.
Make sure you download these final two maps on Monday (if you have the Season Pass).