THR is reporting that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles voice actor Rob Paulsen has enlisted Kevin Conroy (Batman: The Animated Series), Cal Dodd (X-Men: The Animated Series) and director Andrea Romano (Batman: The Animated Series) for the new animated project The Gang’s All Here.
According to the site, the project has been conceived as a comedic series targeted towards adults and adolescents, and “enters on an animal cast of actors as they star in their own films and navigate the pitfalls of the entertainment industry.”
Batman voice actor Conroy is set to voice two animals – a bookworm bear called Frances and a superhero dog called Barkley. Dodd – who voiced Wolverine on the 90s X-Men series – will portray a pig commando called Sargent Snout, with Paulsen playing the warthog Patches and Romano as Meryl, the feline sidekick to super-dog Barkley.
Paulsen has developed the project with up-and-coming screenwriter Byron Burton, and the series is being packaged with actors and a director before being shopped around to potential buyers.