Andrew Newton reviews The Humans #2…
From out of the smoke of their lost brothers’ funeral pyre comes a ghostly figure from the past. A long-thought-dead member returns to The HUMANS, bringing visions of hell and loss with him and a night of mourning quickly turns into an outta-sight homecoming party!
Issue 2 of The Humans by Image Comics continues the adventures of The Humans motorbike gang. America’s infatuation with biker culture is captured perfectly in this series so far and this is thanks to the writing skills of Keenan Marshall Keller.
The Humans is set during the very early 70’s and the biker gang culture of violence, sex, drugs and copious amounts of alcohol is one that Keenan Marshall Keller understands very well judging by how he has developed the gang.
The relationships that the characters have with each other and with those in society is spot on with how Hollywood portray them. The brotherhood that the gang members share and the animosity shown towards those outside their culture is written perfectly.
Visually, the artwork by Tom Neely compliments the writing, taking all the ugliness of 70’s biker culture and putting it within a more palatable comedic situation. The various members of the ape family, gorillas, chimps and orangutans included in the story may make you think Planet of the Apes but you can forget that idea right now. These apes walk and talk like humans do in human culture.
In the last issue we saw the gang mourn the loss of their fallen brother, Mojo, and also witnessed how they successfully tackled a raid by rival gang, The Skabbs. In this issue we continue on to find out who was watching the gangs club house from the shadows.
Andrew Newton