The new series Marvel Super Hero Adventures launches this coming Wednesday with a team up between Spider-Man and the Black Panther, and you can take a look at a preview of the first issue here…
SPIDER-MAN SWINGS INTO WAKANDA IN AN ADVENTURE FOR ALL AGES! Wakanda?! You mean the home of the Black Panther, one of the world’s fiercest warriors and a member of the Avengers? That’s right! When Spider-Man’s archenemy Doctor Octopus goes on the hunt for the incredible metal Vibranium, it’ll take the combined might of not one, but TWO beloved heroes to take him down! Can Spider-Man and Black Panther work together to keep Vibranium out of Doc Ock’s eight hands — or will the villain turn the tide?
Marvel’s Super Hero Adventures #1 is out on April 18th, priced $3.99.