NBC has announced that it’s looking to jump on the superhero TV show bandwagon by reviving Heroes for a 13-episode event series entitled Heroes Reborn, which is described as a “stand-alone story” from original creator Tim Kring and will air on the network in 2015.
“The enormous impact Heroes had on the television landscape when it first launched in 2006 was eye-opening,” said Jennifer Salke, NBC’s Entertainment President. “Shows with that kind of resonance don’t come around often and we thought it was time for another installment. We’re thrilled that visionary creator Tim Kring was as excited about jumping back into this show as we were and we look forward to all the new textures and layers Tim plans to add to his original concept. Until we get closer to air in 2015, the show will be appropriately shrouded in secrecy, but we won’t rule out the possibility of some of the show’s original cast members popping back in.”
Heroes was a huge success when it premiered back in 2006, averaging close to 15 million viewers for its first season. However, the show struggled to maintain the same level of quality with its subsequent seasons, coming under criticism from critics and fans alike, and was cancelled in 2010.
Here’s a short teaser trailer for Heroes Reborn…
The new miniseries will face plenty of competition in the superhero stakes, with Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC, Arrow (and potentially The Flash and Hourman) on The CW, a Gotham pilot in the works at Fox, and NBC also developing a series based on Constantine.
Are you excited to see the return of Heroes, or should the show have stayed dead and buried? Let us know in the comments below or head on over to The Flickering Myth Forum…