After TRON Legacy, the long-awaited sequel to the 1982 classic TRON, debuted during the Christmas season in 2010, rumours have circulated that a third (and perhaps final) film would make its way to the big screen, with Legacy director Joseph Kosinski (Oblivion) continuously attached to the threequel without any concreate news or official confirmation from Disney, the franchise owners.
Well, yesterday Vancouver-based website VanCity Buzz reported that TRON 3 is going ahead, and that is it gearing up for a shoot this October in the city. Furthermore, both Koskinski and his Legacy star Garrett Hedlund are set to return, with Hedlund reprising his role as Sam Flynn, the son of TRON creator Kevin, played by Oscar winner Jeff Bridges in both films. There’s no word on whether Bridges will return in some form, or Olivia Wilde, who co-starred in Legacy as Quorra.
While never a massive box-office success, the original TRON became a cult hit over the years, and was a huge influence on the sci-fi genre and the future of special effects in film. Legacy did better, grossing over $400 million worldwide from a rumoured $170 million budget.
What do you think of the prospect of a third TRON? What would like to see the filmmakers explore in the new film? Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below…