Alliance Entertainment has released a new poster and trailer for the supernatural thriller The Lockdown Hauntings. Directed by Howard J. Ford (The Dead), the film was produced during the pandemic and stars Angela Dixon alongside horror legend Tony Todd (Candyman, Hatchet, Final Destination); check them out here…
With the streets now empty, it isn’t just nature that is taking advantage of this unprecedented global disaster. Spirits are freer than ever before and the spirit of a notorious serial killer, AKA ‘The Locksmith’, is back from the dead and he has even more potential victims. Can self-isolating detective George Parker (Angela Dixon) with the guidance of paranormal expert Jordan Myers (Tony Todd), prevent more young women from becoming victims of The Lockdown Hauntings?
The Lockdown Hauntings is slated for release on October 19th on demand and on November 16th on DVD.