Adult Swim has released a trailer and gallery of images for Uzumaki, the upcoming anime series adapted from Junji Ito’s supernatural horror manga of the same name. The series sees the residents of a small town slowly go insane as they are plagued by a curse which turns everything into spirals; take a look here…
“Let’s leave this town together,” asks Shuichi Saito, a former classmate of Kirie Goshima, a high school girl who was born and grew up in Kurouzu-cho. Everything from a strange whirlwind, billowing smoke from the crematorium, and the residents is turning into spirals. People’s eyes spin in whirls, a tongue spirals, and the bodies twist unnaturally. In an attempt to escape the curse of the spirals, Kirie decides to flee from Kurouzu-cho, but can she get away from this turmoil?
Uzumaki premieres on September 28th.