Adult Swim has shared a trailer for Common Side Effects, the upcoming adult comedy thriller series from Joe Bennett (Scavengers Reign), Steve Hely (Veep) Mike Judge (Beavis and Butt-Head) and Greg Daniels (King of the Hill).
The series follows two high school lab mates as they find themselves the target of the DEA, big pharma, and international businessmen out to stop them from revealing the knowledge of a mushroom that can cure all of the world’s diseases. Watch the trailer below…
The half-hour series follows Marshall and Frances, two former high school lab partners who share a secret: Marshall has discovered the world’s greatest medicine, a mushroom that can heal almost anything. But getting it out into the world won’t be easy – the DEA, big pharma, and international businessmen are all on the chase to stop them.
Common Side Effects premieres on February 2nd.