Matthew Spencer-Skeen reviews the twelfth episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 2.…
In my review of episode 11 of this series I made it clear that it was clearly just catching us up on what happened and was only setting us up for bigger things. Luckily bigger things started happening straight away.
The return of an amnesiac Lady Sif led to some great laughs throughout this episode as well as giving us some of the best super powered fights of the series thus far. Also giving us our first look at a Kree on Earth with the admittedly dull Vin-Tak was pretty fun as well, though his memory altering baton seemed to fit in way too neatly to wrap up this episode. That said I like that we got a good explanation about the Inhumans creation by the Kree, using effectively the comic book version of their creation.
We also got a bit of a better look at Skye’s powers and her exposure will definitely lead to the series gathering even more steam as they look to train/contain her the best way possible. I do feel that right now they are lacking a bit of an end goal or purpose. They believe they’ve taken out big chunks of Hydra, we know little of our Inhuman teleporter Gordon right now and the excellent Mr Hyde didn’t appear in this episode either.
My biggest gripe though is with the Bobbi and Mack side track going on. I’m not sure why the showrunners feel like they we need people betraying people all the time. These are 2 fairly interesting characters and with all the other storylines going on with Skye, the Inhumans and the likely Avengers: Age of Ultron tie in it all seems like they’re just trying to give these characters something to do. They don’t need it and neither do we. If they aren’t HYDRA and are just some other Government spies working for General Talbot this will be crazily anti-climactic.
Gripes aside this season is gathering steam and I’m now at the point where I’m really looking forward to getting to watch this show each week, with more MCU aspects being introduced all the time. The Avengers tie in should end up being the highlight, but until then there’s plenty to keep the interest alive.
Matthew Spencer-Skeen – Follow me on Twitter