Following on from their successful crowdfunded web series Con Man, Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion are set to launch Spectrum, a brand new comic book series based upon the show-within-a-show featured in Con Man, which will debut this coming May with a free first issue courtesy of Automatic Publishing on Free Comic Book Day.
“In the world of Con Man, Spectrum has given my character Wray Nerely a huge fan following,” Tudyk said. “A comic book is the best way to tell the story that ignited that fandom. It’s the serious sci-fi story, inside the comedic story, told inside a comic book that is sold inside comic book stores. Every good Con Man needs a comic.”
Con Man, which starred Fillion (Firefly, Castle) and Tudyk (Firefly, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) as actors from a canceled cult sci-fi show, was a comedic look at the wild world of fandom and conventions. Spectrum will tell the story that launched their careers. In the comic, a vicious attack from an alien invading force devastates the globe, but the prophetic dreams of Captain James Raaker warn that the suffering has just started. Humanity’s last hope is escape in an untested spaceship built by a madman.