Amazon Prime Video has released a trailer for The Outlaws, the BBC One comedy-crime thriller series from creators Stephen Merchant and Elgin James which follows seven lawbreaking strangers who are forced to repay their debt to society with court mandated community service.
The series, which aired here in the UK back in November, sees Merchant, Christopher Walken, Rhianne Barreto, Gamba Cole, Darren Boyd, Clare Perkins, Eleanor Tomlinson, and Jessica Gunning; watch the trailer here…
From Emmy winner Stephen Merchant (The Office UK, Extras) and Elgin James (Mayans M.C.) comes THE OUTLAWS–a contemporary British comedy thriller about a disparate group of lawbreakers thrown together to complete a Community Service sentence. Seven strangers from different walks of life – people who would never normally interact – are forced to work together to renovate a derelict community center. They resent the menial physical labour and they resent each other. But when one of their number gets dragged into a dangerous world of organized crime, they unite in ways none of them thought possible.
The Outlaws premieres on Amazon Prime Video on April 1st.