AMC has given a straight-to-series order for The Terror, a ten-episode anthology drama series from Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Productions, which is based upon the bestselling 2007 novel by Dan Simmons. David Kajganich (True Story) has written the script and will serve as co-showrunner with Soo Hugh (The Whispers).
Deadline reports that the series “is set in 1847, when a Royal Naval expedition crew searching for the Northwest Passage is attacked by a mysterious predator that stalks the ships and their crews in a suspenseful and desperate game of survival. It is a fictionalized account of Captain Sir John Franklin’s lost expedition of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror.”
“Dan’s novel is that rare combination of fascinating actual history, ground-breaking genre storytelling, and the complex character work of literature,” states Kajganich, with Hugh adding that, “As a long-time fan of Dan Simmons, the opportunity to join this project is a dream come true.”
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