Warner Bros. has debuted the first trailer for the upcoming thriller Those Who Wish Me Dead. Directed by Taylor Sheridan, the film is based on Michael Koryta’s novel of the same name and stars Angelina Jolie as Hannah, a smoke-jumper working in a fire tower in the Montana wilderness when she encounters a 12-year-old boy (Finn Little) who is being pursed by assassins (Nicholas Hoult and Aiden Gillen) after witnessing a murder; watch it here…
Oscar winner Jolie (“Girl, Interrupted,” the “Maleficent” films) stars as Hannah, a smoke jumper still reeling from the loss of three lives she failed to save from a fire when she comes across a traumatized 12-year-old boy with nowhere else to turn.
Those Who Wish Me Dead will arrive in theatres and on HBO Max May 14th in the US and on May 7th in the UK. Featuring in the cast alongside Angelina Jolie are Tyler Perry, Jon Bernthal, Medina Senghore, Jake Weber, James Jordan and Tory Kittles.