Prime Video has released a poster and trailer for Angry Birds: Mystery Island, the upcoming animated adventure series which is based on Rovio’s Entertainment’s hugely popular video game franchise and follows teenage hatchlings Mia, Rosie and Buddy, and piglet Hamylton as they hatch a plan to escape the deserted island they were mistakenly catapulted onto; check them out here…
When three teenage hatchlings and a piglet get stranded on a deserted island, Mia, Buddy, Rosie and Hamylton must overcome their differences and supernatural phenomena in order to make it back home. Each day, the gang hatches a plan to get off the island, but is thwarted by unexpected twists and turns. They face extreme weather, challenging adventures and newfound creatures along the way, often solving one mystery only to reveal another. The island tests Mia, Buddy, Rosie and Hamylton constantly, but only by passing these tests and going deep into the heart of darkness can our heroes find a way back to the life they once knew.
Featuring in the voice cast of Angry Birds: Mystery Island are Harvey Guillén, Kate Micucci, Dominic Monaghan, and Nasim Pedrad.
Angry Birds: Mystery Island arrives on Prime Video on May 21st.