Jessie Robertson reviews the seventeenth episode of Arrow season 4…
That’s Beacon, not Bee-Con
-Ok, Curtis has won me over completely; big news tonight, is, and how did I not see this, Curtis is taking over Felicity’s job as the tech person on the team (we presume, he told his hubbie he would not be leaving late night anymore, but we’ll see). He was on point and delivered so much energy to the Arrow Cave’s proceedings, so much so, even Capt. Lance was cracking remarks (and wait; he’s an official member now; is that dude never not catching bad guys?). Hands down, his best line was “Team Arrow, which I’m now a member of – pinch me” and right back to business. Great stuff. You want to know the kicker – Felicity’s off the team but she’s still great! They take good care of her (mostly) with material and tonight she was vintage Felicity; I think she’s been transitioned really well into this role as the total and complete CEO of Palmer Tech.
– First, on Flash, the “Time-Wraith”, now, on Arrow, we give you……”Bee-Man”. I kid you not. Part of the reason; Brie Larvan is back (you know, Beth from The Walking Dead) she was the strange bee-villain from Flash last season – you know what, the better left unsaid about that. She’s equally as bad here and I feel a bit bad about that as they put way more effort into her character this year; I mean, we have no idea why she’s obsessed with bees, but she is. She wears gold jackets, has “bug-eye” glasses and controls robot killer bees. Oh, and makes terrrrrrrible bee-puns. You would think this would be just cheesy and old school enough to have some appeal but it really doesn’t….like at all.
What else happened tonight? Oliver continues trying to work on himself; he briefly meets with Felicity after rescuing her, but his most interesting moment comes when he berates Curtis for joking around while peoples’ lives are in danger; first off, he barely knows this man. Laurel gives him an aside over the situation but I believe it’s just how different people deal with those situations shining through; Oliver barks and shoots stuff; Curtis is going to crack a joke (much in the vein of Felicity). I still think it’s a good fit for the team and show.
8/10- great humor tonight, mixed with a bad villain, but that’s most weeks, so pretty fun episode
Other Notes:
– cool training sequence to start the ep out; and man, is Diggle buff!
– Ollie reads Harry Potter? Could we just get one shot of this happening at some point in the season?
– Ms. Smoak and Felicity have super great chemistry; they were just riffing with little stuff all episode long and it’s a joy to watch it unfold
– So much bee wordplay
– So, Merlyn and Andy Diggle are both traitors- what’s new? Although Merlyn burned Dahrk hard on his “performance issues”
– I am so sick of Ryder’s speeches in the flashback portion; I feel like next year’s could be exciting as it’s his last year on the island- or this it? Let’s hope so.
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