Jessie Robertson reviews the twenty-first episode of Arrow season 6…
Three words best describe this episode: Melodrama, thy name. Whenever a superhero is put on trial, it usually ends up wacky and bad. So with a long sentence hanging over Oliver, this felt like a dooming moment looming. Just think: Diggle went to prison last year, Barry went to prison this year. Barry already had a trial himself. What are we doing here?
But, actually, this episode killed it in the entertainment category. The actresses playing the lawyers both gave you the right feel, even if the judge was ridiculously over the top. The surprising testimonies from several key players, the twisting back and forth, highlighted by a moment that even had me questioning what we were watching when Tommy Merlyn burst in, wearing full Green Arrow garb. What??? My jaw hit the floor. I knew it couldn’t be but even his testimony was damn convincing and I was sort of hoping this was all true. Then the face comes off and…..hold on, who is this again? Oh, yeah Human Target. Nice callback. So that’s who Diggle rescued at the beginning of the episode in a testosterone fueled action sequence. That combined with Diggle going for blood against Diaz right on the courthouse stairs and I’m thinking “John Mother F***ing Diggle is back!”
I never know what to make of Rene. He and Oliver are at odds so many times, and mostly over ridiculous Arrow drama, so to see his flip flop- and the whole Diaz has his daughter – did no one see that creepy SOB, or care I guess? But, his earned handshake with Oliver to close the show was a damn good moment. And then there’s Laurel….oh lord. In a turn you could pretty much see coming, just her chemistry with Diaz was not working, even after a whole episode devoted to them.
You can’t take away that Tommy moment but there were some awful scenes; despite that being quite the elaborate ruse, Diaz countered it immediately? Oliver’s scene with boring ole William- pass. Felicity was very, very fine here. But, oh, now Diaz will kill him? what about last week? I’m sorry this turned into a free form rant. Arrow continues to be ridiculous, action packed and sucking me in.
Rating: 8.5/10
Jessie Robertson