Tai Freligh reviews Heroes: Godsend #1… Farah Nazan… Former soldier and tough protector of Malina… But how did she become the woman she is today? Farah’s origins are explored in Godsend. From Titan Comics comes a series of comic stories that serve as prequels to the Heroes Reborn television show on NBC. They plan on coming out […]
Comic Book Review – Heroes Vengeance #5
Tai Freligh reviews Heroes Vengeance #5… Carlos Gutierrez of the Heroes Reborn: Event Series, is not the only person to assume the alias of El Vengador. Before him came his grandfather Luis and his older brother Oscar. Here we learn the stories of the Gutierrez family… Oscar Gutierrez and Father Mauricio have been helping refugee EVOs […]
Heroes Reborn Series Finale Review – ‘Project Reborn’
Tai Freligh reviews the thirteenth and final episode of Heroes Reborn, ‘Project Reborn’… So this week’s episode was the finale and to say it completely jumped the shark would be an understatement. I can’t help but feel like the writers didn’t plan out the entire thirteen episode arc because there were a few dragging episodes and then […]
Heroes Reborn Episode 12 Review – ‘Company Woman’
Tai Freligh reviews the twelfth and penultimate episode of Heroes Reborn, ‘Company Woman’… So this week’s episode of Heroes Reborn was the last one before the season finale (and no, there won’t be another season of HR as confirmed by NBC) and I really wanted it to be chock-full of action and adventure. Entitled ‘Company Woman’, […]
Heroes Reborn Episode 11 Review – ‘Send in the Clones’
Tai Freligh reviews the eleventh episode of Heroes Reborn, ‘Send in the Clones’… So this week’s episode of Heroes Reborn was the first one back after the mid-season finale. It was a doozy as the stakes were ramped up. In case you didn’t remember what happened in the first ten episodes before the break (that was […]
Comic Book Review – Heroes Vengeance #4
Tai Freligh reviews Heroes Vengeance #4… Carlos Gutierrez of the Heroes Reborn: Event Series, is not the only person to assume the alias of El Vengador. Before him came his grandfather Luis and his older brother Oscar. Here we learn the stories of the Gutierrez family… From Titan Comics comes a series of comic stories […]
Comic Book Review – Heroes Vengeance #3
Tai Freligh reviews Heroes Vengeance #3… The ‘Vengeance’ storyline continues! The origin of the previous El Vengador continues as he meets a certain Father Mauricio and discovers his secret… Plus a familiar face returns – with a deadly agenda, and the Diablos gang are still causing problems… From Titan Comics comes a series of comic […]
Memorable Star Wars Moments – Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul
Flickering Myth’s writing team are counting down to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens by discussing their most memorable Star Wars moments. Next up is Tai Freligh with the Darth Maul/Obi-Wan fight from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace… I fancy myself somewhat of a Star Wars originals snob. Love, love, loved IV, V, […]
Heroes Reborn Episode 9 Review – ‘11:53 to Odessa’
Tai Freligh reviews the tenth episode of Heroes Reborn, ‘11:53 to Odessa’… So this week’s episode of Heroes Reborn was the mid-season finale. It felt a little uneven and not nearly as epic as a finale should feel, but it was decent. There are a few reveals along with new questions which will be sure […]
Heroes Reborn Episode 9 Review – ‘Sundae, Bloody Sundae’
Tai Freligh reviews episode 9 of Heroes Reborn, ‘Sundae, Bloody Sundae’… This week’s episode of Heroes Reborn picks up the threads that were missing from the two-parter. We also see how the future was changed by Noah going back in the past. We come back to Carlos and Dearing as well as see a bit more […]