Indie developer Glass Bottom Games has announced that their avian skateboarding action game, SkateBIRD, will be delayed until 16th September. Originally scheduled for an early August release, the developers want to give the game more polish and enable the game to release on all formats simultaneously. Glass Bottom Games give an apology in the new trailer below.
The delay to the release date will allow for a range of updates and polish, including mission objective refinements, UI and sound improvements, a camera overhaul and much more.
With regards to the delay, Glass Bottom Games’ founder, Megan Fox, said “This wasn’t an easy decision. But SkateBIRD was always a game about doing your best, and we owe it to our backers, fans, and fellow bird enthusiasts to ship the game in its best state. As a small indie studio, completing certification on multiple platforms requires plenty of extra work. Launching on Sept. 16, 2021 lets us ramp up our efforts to ensure SkateBIRD comes to PC and consoles on the same day!”
In SkateBIRD, Bird’s Big Friend has had to hang up their skateboard for a job that takes up all his time and keeps him away from home. There’s only one way to get over being lonely and help sort out his life, and that’s by being a chill little skateboarding birdy. Skate, pull tricks and more to attract fellow birds to your park and let them also introduce you to more parks. Together you can get Big Friend’s life back on path.
SkateBIRD will release on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S via backwards compatibility, Xbox Game Pass, Windows PC, Mac and Linux via Steam, and Amazon Luna on 16th September.