Following her Netflix debut last year, Jessica Jones is set to headline a brand new ongoing series, which is being written and drawn by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos, the creators of the character, with David Mack returning to covers.
“I’ve worked with other artists on Jessica and always enjoyed it, but in my mind she never looks and feels and breathes and smells more like Jessica than when Michael draws her,” said Bendis in an interview with IGN. “Between [Michael’s art] and David Mack, who is one of my closest friends who did all the covers, that is the signature in which people think of her, of those visuals. So having them all back together and having everyone be just a little bit better at their jobs — I think Michael is a better illustrator and David is a better painter — and I have to rise to the occasion and meet them.”
She is back after a decade! A lot has changed in the Marvel Universe and there are still many secrets hiding in the shadows. Secrets only a special woman like Jessica Jones can hope to uncover. Discover the haunting secrets from Jessica’s past in this blistering new series. Alias Investigations is open for business.
Jessica Jones #1 is scheduled for release in the fall.
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