Big Finish Productions has announced they will be releasing a new audio adventure from the world of Doctor Who this March with Susan’s War: Grandfather Time. This upcoming adventure continues on from last August’s release, Family Ties, and will see Susan assigned to keep an eye on her grandfather, the War Doctor.
Gallifrey is deep into the Time War and Cardinal Rasmus is not above gaining an agent from the future to give the Time Lords an edge in the war. Having acquired Susan, she is assigned alongside the War Doctor to keep him in line, and is shocked at how different he is from the kindly grandfather she remembers.
In this new adventure, the duo are sent on two dangerous assignments:
- The Last of the Kaleds by David Llewellyn takes Susan and the War Doctor to seek an alliance with a splinter of Skaro’s own distant timeline. As Susan begins to come to terms with her grandfather’s new personality, the pair discover plots, counter-plots and an anomalous dimension.
- The Voord Alliance by Andrew Smith – When a mission goes wrong, Rasmus sends Susan and the War Doctor to search to see if there was a particular survivor, his daughter. While on the ocean moon of Sarros Minor, they come across an unlikely ally against the Daleks, but can they be trusted?
Throughout these two new adventures, Susan gets to know the new man who her grandfather has become, an embittered warrior who no longer refers to himself as the Doctor.
Carole Ann Ford once again takes her role as Susan with Jonathon Carley providing the voice of the War Doctor.
Writer Andrew Smith said: “It’s an interesting set-up, because we have the Doctor who doesn’t want to be called the Doctor, and we have an older Susan who has forged her own path. She’s not a companion, but is a Time Lord in her own right, often leading the way and not above putting her grandfather in his place.”
The Worlds of Doctor Who – Susan’s War: Grandfather Time will release this March and is available to pre-order now from the Big Finish website, priced £15.99 for the collector’s edition CD and £12.99 for the download. Bundles with August 2024’s Family Ties are also available.