Official news on Disney’s Star Wars: Episode VII has been scarcer than a soul on Alderaan, however snippets of information are being heard from other sources. A few weeks back Latino Review revealed that Harrison Ford would be reprising his role as Han Solo, which remains unconfirmed at this point, while Mark Hamill said he was “talking” to Disney about a return as Luke Skywalker.
Now we have some concrete information to go on as Carrie Fisher has revealed during an interview with Palm Beach Illustrated that she will be returning as Princess Leia. When asked point blankly would she be returning she simply replied, ‘yes’. The interviewer continued…
What do you think Princess Leia is like today?
Elderly. She’s in an intergalactic old folks’ home [laughs]. I just think she would be just like she was before, only slower and less inclined to be up for the big battle.
And still wearing the bagel buns?
The bagel buns and the bikini, because probably she has sundowners syndrome. At sundown, she thinks that she’s 20-something. And she puts it on and gets institutionalized.
It can only be a matter of time now before we hear an official confirmation from Disney about all three actors returning. Whilst personally I like to know as little possible going in, I’m hoping for a general plot synopsis soon to give us something to chewie on.