Anghus Houvouras with five characters who could replace Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War… One of the many interesting stories that came tumbling out of the massive Sony hack was negotiations between Marvel and Sony to borrow Spider-Man for next year’s third Captain America film that will tackle the Civil War storyline. In the comic, […]
Do we really need a Deadpool movie?
Anghus Houvouras on whether we really need a Deadpool movie… “Ryan Reynolds should play Deadpool.” I’ve been hearing this armchair casting presented online for what seems like a decade. What every comic fan claims to be ‘the perfect casting’. A character that has a huge presence in the comic book community. Certainly not a marquee […]
The Rise and Spectacular Fall of the Terminator Franchise
Luke Owen looks back at the Terminator franchise… 30 years ago, the brilliant mind and visionary genius of James Cameron gave birth to a cinema icon – Cyberdyne Systems Model 101, the T-800, The Terminator. It was a movie that blended science fiction, action and horror and helped launched the career of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The […]
Is Damian Wayne the Arkham Knight?
Thomas Roach on whether the Arkham Knight is Damian Wayne… Batman: Arkham Knight is one of the most anticipated games of next year, having been delayed from its original release date in October 2014. With a fair few months to go until the game is available, the speculation surrounding the identity of the Arkham Knight […]
Why Marvel Studios owes James Bond
Commenting on the Critics with Simon Columb… With Star Wars and Jurassic World the previous week, the past seven days has revealed the cast for Bond 24, aka SPECTRE, alongside confirmation that Ryan Reynolds will return in the standalone X-Men movie Deadpool. We knew 2015 was going to be busy, but now we are seeing […]
X-Box Bargains – Bionic Commando
Andrew Newton looks at a selection of Xbox 360 bargains; next up is Bionic Commando… Following on with my quest of seeking out and reviewing bargain games rather than wait for Black Fridays and January sales etc. I thought I’d continue today with Bionic Commando by Capcom. I have fond memories of the original Bionic […]
Spectre: Time to worry about the future of James Bond?
Ozzy Armstrong on whether it’s time to worry about the future of James Bond… After the announcements on Thursday regarding Bond 24, now known as Spectre, Bond fans took to the internet to announce their excitement for what’s in store. At the same time, there was also me. I’m not excited for Spectre, I’m nervous. […]
The Callow Way – Why I’m stopping watching trailers
This week, Neil Calloway is suffering from trailer fatigue… 1st July 2015, 6th November 2015, 17th December 2015. What are you doing on those dates? I bet some of you know already. For those that don’t know, they are the release dates for Terminator: Genysis, the new Bond film, Spectre, and the latest film in […]
The Week in Spandex – Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange, Deadpool, Ant-Man, Batman v Superman, Avengers: Age of Ultron, The Fantastic Four and more
Our weekly round-up of the latest news and talking points from the world of screen superheroes, including Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, Justice League Dark, The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Constantine, Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, Batman Versus Robin, Doctor Strange, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man, Captain America: […]
Bond 24: What can we exSPECTRE?
Martin Deer on what we can expect from Spectre… I’m sure by now there is nary a soul among us who isn’t aware of the announcement today by Sony Pictures that the next and 24th film in the Bond franchise is titled Spectre. Which, of course, for any self respecting fan of 007 you know […]