Ricky Church reviews Justice League #43… “The Darkseid War” event rages on as Batman takes a dark journey into the depths of Godhood and unlocks the forbidden knowledge of the DC universe! Meanwhile, arch-enemies Superman and Lex Luthor must stand together in order to survive, and Wonder Woman leads the Justice League in an offensive […]
Comic Book Review – Burning Fields #7
Zeb Larson reviews Burning Fields #7… After barely escaping the massacre of Carapace troops by the now Asag-controlled Decker and Verge, Dana and Aban find solace with Aban’s family. Burning Fields builds to its denouement in this issue as Dana and Aban try to stop the unthinkable from happening. Even as they try, Decker is […]
Comic Book Review – Judge Dredd Megazine #363
Villordsutch reviews Judge Dredd Megazine #363… Welcome to you squaxx dek thargo! We are at issue #363 of Judge Dredd Megazine so it’s a happy time of Lawgivers, Demon-Hunting Nuns, Psi-Division on the Seafront and a backside kicking Colonial Marshall. Sounds like an average Wednesday really. Enough chat, on with the words! Judge Dredd – […]
Comic Book Review – Doctor Who: Four Doctors #2
Villordsutch reviews Doctor Who: Four Doctors #2… As any Who fan – old or new – will be aware Doctor Who can often involve a lot of running. Generally it involves getting from A to B whilst rapidly explaining the situation and how the Doctor and present company will eventually get out of their sticky […]
Comic Book Review – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #49
Chris Cooper reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #49… “A final battle looms as Karai decrees a “Gauntlet” battle between ancient foes Splinter and Shredder but first the Turtles must defeat the Foot mutants— Koya, Bludgeon, Bebop & Rocksteady!” Though this issue is hugely riveting, with great art and a thrilling conclusion, I couldn’t help but […]
The Week in Star Wars – The Force Awakens poster, images, TV spot and toys, first look at Rogue One, Colin Trevorrow directing Episode IX, Han Solo movie details, George Lucas’ inspiration for Jar Jar and more
It’s packed edition of The Week in Star Wars with a poster, images and first TV spot for The Force Awakens (not to mention some toy stuff), a first look image and cast details for Rogue One, details about Han Solo’s Anthology movie, Colin Trevorrow confirmed for Episode IX, George Lucas revealing his inspiration for […]
Comic Book Review – Batman #43
Ricky Church reviews Batman #43… In the start of a new epic, a new villain stalks Gotham City. Will Batman be able to uncover the mystery of Mr. Bloom? Since before Jim Gordon was announced as the next Batman, fans wondered what became of Bruce Wayne in the aftermath of ‘Endgame’. Many believed it wouldn’t […]
Batman: Europa set for release this November
First announced back in 2004 and solicited for release in January 2011, the four-issue miniseries Batman: Europa is finally set to see the light of day this year, with DC Entertainment revealing that the first issue is set to land in November. Courtesy of Comics Alliance, here’s a look at Jim Lee’s cover for issue […]
Marvel announces Secret Wars Too for November
Marvel is set to give Secret Wars a grand sendoff this November as some of the hottest names in the comics industry bid adieu to Battleworld with the oversized one-shot Secret Wars Too #1. Secret Wars scribe Jonathan Hickman himself unites with the likes of Sergio Aragones, Ryan Browne, Al Ewing, Rob Guillory, Kate Leth, […]
Marvel announces Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic
Marvel has announced that Deadpool and Cable are teaming up once again this October for a new Marvel Infinite Comic series entitled Deadpool & Cable: Split Second. Call them a duo with a special kind of dynamics. Call them an odd couple, but with guns. Call them the 1990s distilled down in to two characters. […]