Archie’s superhero imprint Dark Circle Comics has announced that it is adding a new title to its lineup, with bestselling novelist Dave White (Jackson Donne series of novels) and artist Syzmon Kudranski (Batman: The Dark Knight) teaming up for The Web. The Web revolves around Jane Raymond, a 14-year-old high-schooler in suburban New Jersey who […]
Official synopsis for Marvel’s Star Wars: Journey to The Force Awakens – Shattered Empire
Marvel Comics has released an official synopsis for its upcoming limited series Star Wars: Journey to The Force Awakens – Shattered Empire, which is set to bridge the gap between Return of the Jedi and December’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Emperor Palpatine’s twenty-year reign of terror came to an abrupt and fiery end in […]
Marvel announces Thanos: The Infinity Finale original graphic novel from Jim Starlin and Ron Lim
Marvel has announced that Jim Starlin and Ron Lim are to reunite for the original graphic novel Thanos: The Infinity Finale, the third and final instalment in their trilogy of OGNs focussing on the Mad Titan. “I always thought him a great and bizarre villain and wanted to up his game and the stakes he […]
Boom! Studios announces Grant Morrison’s Santa Claus origin series Klaus
Ahead of the San Diego Comic-Con International, Boom! Studios has revealed details of its new project from acclaimed writer Grant Morrison, who is teaming with artist Dan Mora (Hexed) for the six-issue Santa Claus origin series Klaus. Here’s the cover to the first issue, via CBR… “Weirdly enough, no one’s done the origin story [of […]
Comic Book Review – Nailbiter #14
Zeb Larson reviews Nailbiter #14… One of the biggest secrets of the serial killers is revealed! Well, we finally got some kind of insight about Buckaroo and what keeps creating the serial killers in town. It’s not a big insight, but at least it’s something to go on, and it would be unfair (and ultimately […]
Head into the Battlerealm with Marvel’s Contest of Champions
Inspired by Marvel’s wildly popular mobile fighting game Marvel Contest of Champions, the new ongoing series Contest of Champions is set to launch this fall from the creative team of Al Ewing and Paco Medina. SEE ALSO: All of Marvel’s ‘All New, All Different’ titles and covers revealed “We’re doing something unique and exciting here […]
Comic Book Review – Chew #50
Jessie Robertson reviews Chew #50… The landmark issue #50, and the showdown everyone’s been waiting for. Ten issues left to go, and Blood Puddin’ comes to an end. There isn’t any clever jokes (yes there was), funny names drawn into the backgrounds (saw a few), or light-hearted punch lines to anything this week: it was […]
Marvel announces ‘All New, All Different’ Extraordinary X-Men
Marvel has announced that Eisner Award-nominated writer Jeff Lemire (All-New Hawkeye, Sweet Tooth) is to join chart-topping artist Humberto Ramos (Amazing Spider-Man) for the flagship X-Men title of the post-Secret Wars Marvel Universe with an ‘All New, All Different’ series entitled Extraordinary X-Men. “The chance to write the flagship X-Men book is a once in […]
Scott Lang to lead ‘All New, All Different’ Ant-Man
It looks like Scott Lang will be keeping the Ant-Man suit post-Secret Wars, with Marvel unveiling its ‘All New, All Different’ Ant-Man title via Hero Complex… “We’re hinting at a major development for Scott,” states writer Nick Spencer. “Scott is an ex-con, he’s a guy with a criminal past. This teaser hints that he may […]
Comic Book Review -The Walking Dead #143
Zeb Larson reviews The Walking Dead #143… A Union. Every time that Rick Grimes starts to think he’s secure, something comes along to rattle his cage and cause that feeling of safety to crumble. We always knew that the Whisperers were dangerous, but now we see that they have a unique trump card that Rick […]