Marvel has continued its ‘All New, All Different’ announcements with the news that Charles Soule and Steve McNiven are set to relaunch Uncanny Inhumans this Fall, with the Human Torch and Beast set to join the roster of Black Bolt, Medusa, Triton and Reader. “Many things have changed in the Marvel Universe for the Inhumans […]
Comic Book Review – Southern Cross #4
Zeb Larson reviews Southern Cross #4… As the gravity drive starts to malfunction, Braith uncovers a smuggling ring with a trail that leads back to her sister’s murder. Southern Cross poses an interesting problem for the would-be protagonists of horror comics. If you’re a little bit crazy or a little drugged, how do you figure […]
Marvel announces new Squadron Supreme series
Marvel has announced another of its ‘All New, All Different’ Marvel titles, with James Robinson and Leonard Kirk (Fantastic Four) set to launch a new ongoing series for Squadron Supreme. Here’s a look at Alex Ross’ cover to the first issue… Hyperion (Avengers), Nighthawk (Supreme Power), Dr. Spectrum (The Great Society), Blur (DP7) and Warrior […]
Comics to Read Before You Die #24: Superman: For Tomorrow
In the latest edition of Comics to Read Before You Die, Jessie Robertson looks at Superman: For Tomorrow… Superman Vol.2 #204- 215 (June 2004- May 2005) Written by Brian Azzarello Penciled by Jim Lee Inked by Scott Williams The now famous image you see above has been printed on numerous t-shirts, publicity materials and so […]
Comic Book Review – Zombies Vs Robots #6
Zeb Larson reviews Zombies Vs Robots #6… “Inherit the Earth!,” part 6! On the Amazons’ island, forces converge in a battle between damaged robots, rotting zombies, invaders from the moon… and humans caught in the middle! Then, in the finale of “The Orphan,” everything blows up. Another issue of Zombies Vs Robots and another example […]
Comic Book Review – Invisible Republic #4
Zeb Larson reviews Invisible Republic #4… Starving and homeless on the streets of Maidstone, Maia finds refuge with a charitable stranger. But will she be betrayed when he discovers her identity? After the chaos last issue, will reporter Croger Babb finally catch a break? Finally, this comic gets some badly needed backstory and context. For […]
Image Comics launching fantasy crime noir Wolf in July
Image Comics has announced that bestselling writer Ales Kot is reuniting with Zero artist Matt Taylor for an all-new fantasy crime noir series Wolf, which will launch this July. WOLF incorporates the crime noir thrills and character development of True Detective with the mythical stakes of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman in this original fantasy, horror saga. […]
Comic Book Review – The Fade Out #7
Zeb Larson reviews The Fade Out #7… Charlie is falling for the replacement blonde…but is he working her for information, or is she playing him for her own ends? This issue is a first for Fade Out: it didn’t really grab me. This has always been a slow burn kind of series and it has […]
Marvel announces All-New All-Different Avengers
As Marvel relaunches its comic book universe post-Secret Wars, a new team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are set for the forefront as Iron Man leads a new team of Avengers in Captain America (Sam Wilson), Thor (Jane Foster), Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Vision, Nova and Ms. Marvel in All-New All-Different Avengers, from the creative team of […]
Comic Book Review – 2000AD’s Sci-Fi Summer Special
Villordsutch reviews 2000AD’s Sci-Fi Summer Special… Borag Thungg, Earthlets! Welcome to 2000AD’s Sci-Fi Summer Special, which after the success of the 2014 return the wise bodies who have overall control have gifted us with another 48-pages of wonders from within the towers of 2000AD. So instead of wasting more valuable time introducing this issue to you […]