Archie Comics has announced that it has launched a Kickstarter campaign for fans to help build a new Riverdale by crowdfunding a slate of titles that will build off the new ongoing Archie series from Mark Waid (Daredevil) and Fiona Staples (Saga). Here are the three titles set to launch over the next 18 months… […]
Comic Book Review – Rebels #2
Zeb Larson reviews Rebels #2… While Seth Abbott patrols the New England forests with his militia, his new bride Mercy holds down the home front. But whatever honeymoon period the growing American Revolution affords them is cut short when Seth and Ezekiel go on a daring nighttime raid determined to deny the British access down […]
Seven Canadian Comic Artists You Should Know
At one point in time the term comics referred to a small group of publications. The superheroes of DC and Marvel were the predominate characters, although other minor publishers achieved a decent amount of success with the likes of the Archie series and the comics that were aimed at the preteen market. Since that time […]
Comic Book Review – ABC Warriors: Return to Mars
Villordsutch reviews ABC Warriors: Return to Mars… Mars, the far future. Tasked with increasing the peace on the war-ravaged Red Planet, the A.B.C. Warriors are reunited with one of their oldest number – the mechanic known as Tubal Caine AKA Happy Shrapnel. As Happy explains how he died and was subse-quently resurrected by Medusa (the planetary […]
Comic Book Review – Descender #3
Zeb Larson reviews Descender #3… After the shocking conclusion of issue 2, Quon and Telsa arrive at the Colony, but they may be too late to save TIM-21’s memory. Meanwhile Driller continues his rampage and TIM’S AI has a strange encounter. This issue of Descender is an exploration of Tim’s consciousness and the extent to […]
Comic Book Review – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #3
Chris Cooper reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #3… “The Mutanimals’ ranks have swelled, and they are ready to rumble! Null has a couple of surprises in store though!” I could review this issue by just posting a big picture of me giving two thumbs ups. It would be utterly apt. But you’d probably rather […]
Comic Book Review – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #45
Chris Cooper reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #45… The Turtles return from Burnow Island to find unimaginable tragedy. As the family struggles to cope, an enraged Foot Clan prepares its revenge. It’s all been building to this…the start of the final storyline leading to #50! After any huge story it’s reasonable to assume that you’ll […]
Comic Book Review – Zombies vs Robots #4
Andrew Newton reviews Zombies vs Robots #4… Astronauts on a dead Earth crawling with strange threats like oddly sentient zombies, robots and… Mermen! And more with The Orphan! Last issue we saw humans finally set foot on Earth or at least in the sea once again only to be attacked by servants of the Merpeople. […]
Comic Book Review – Secret Wars #1
Anghus Houvouras reviews Secret Wars #1… I’m old enough to remember the original Secret Wars when it was released back in 1985. It was the first event comic I had ever read. Back then the concept of superheroes crossing over into each other’s books was still a novelty. If you wanted to see your favorite […]
Comic Book Review – Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1
Zeb Larson reviews Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1… THE BREAKOUT HIT OF 2014 RETURNS WITH VOLUME TWO OF THE GROUNDBREAKING SCI-FI TRILOGY! It’s 75 years after the events that left the Roche Limit colony in flames. When a crew of military and science personnel are sent to the forgotten and desolate planet on a mysterious expedition, […]