Andrew Newton reviews Judge Dredd: Luna-1… In 2061, an international lunar treaty divided a million square miles of the moon’s surface between Mega-Cities One, Two and Texas City. Every six months one of these cities has to supply a Judge-Marshal to govern it… enter Judge Dredd! An environment every bit as deadly as the streets […]
IDW and DC teaming up for Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War crossover
IDW Publishing, CBS and DC Entertainment have announced that they are teaming up to boldly go where no one has gone before… in brightest day, in blackest night. Yes, the two iconic franchises Star Trek and Green Lantern are crossing over this summer with a six part comic book miniseries entitled Star Trek/Green Lantern: The […]
Marvel announces new Secret Wars series Siege
They are few against many. They are the last line of defense. They can’t ever win. They can’t afford to lose. This July, Kieron Gillen and Felipe Andrade bring us a Secret Wars story of deadly proportions with Siege Welcome to the Shield, the last line of defense against the hordes to the south of […]
Harley Quinn & Power Girl teaming up for miniseries in June
Following their team-up the pages of in Harley Quinn #12 back in November, Harley and Power Girl are set to headline their own miniseries this June courtesy of writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner and artist Chad Hardin. Here’s the cover to the first issue… Hey, remember the panel gutter between panels 3 and 4 […]
Magneto Rules All in new Secret Wars series House of M
What happens when a mutant king achieves all his deepest desires? What happens when a warrior has no more war to fight? This August, Marvel returns to the hallowed halls of the House of Magnus as writer Dennis Hopeless (Spider-Woman, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad) and artist Kris Anka (Uncanny X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy & […]
Comic Book Review – Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection – Mandroid
Villordsutch reviews Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection – Mandroid… Mandroid is a vigilante story about former soldier Nate Slaughterhouse, who is invalided with his family back to Mega-City One with half his body replaced with cybernetic parts. When his wife goes missing and his son is targeted by criminals, Nate goes on the rampage. After the […]
Comic Book Review – Nailbiter #11
Zeb Larson reviews Nailbiter #11… NEW STORY ARC Does the Nailbiter know why sixteen of the world’s worst serial killers all came from the same small town? Does he know the truth? Find out as the Nailbiter…confesses! Nailbiter #11 brings back a new story arc, yet there is still frustratingly little movement on the central […]
Comic Book Review – Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1
Villordsutch reviews Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1… The Ninth Doctor is BACK with a brand-new miniseries: WEAPONS OF PAST DESTRUCTION! Leaving World War II behind, The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack discover that Time Lord technology, lost in the wake of the Time War, is being sold on the intergalactic black market! Now the […]
Comic Book Review – Black Science #13
Zeb Larson reviews Black Science #13… The Dimensionauts take on a new mission: leave every world they visit better than when they found it. But their mettle is put to the test in a plague-ridden society that wants to burn them all at the stake. I’ve been really enjoying Black Science since the first issue, […]
Comic Book Review – Southern Bastards #8
Zeb Larson reviews Southern Bastards #8… The final chapter in the story of how the worst football player in Craw County rose to become “Coach Boss,” and the terrible bloody price he had to pay along the way. Don’t miss the chilling conclusion of “Gridiron,” the second arc in the seminal southern crime series. Southern […]