With the release of Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 from Titan Comics due on the 18th March, Villordsutch chats with writer Cavan Scott…. Villordsutch: Just to break some ice Cavan, who was your Doctor and also your favourite assistant (before they became Companions)? Cavan Scott: Ah, the age old question for Doctor Who fans. […]
Marvel announces new Secret Wars series Ghost Racers
Marvel Comics has announced that the Spirits of Vengeance will be duelling one another in lethal, cutthroat races as part of the publishers big Secret Wars event with a new series Ghost Racers from Felipe Smith and Juan Gedeon. Check out a preview here… “This is the book that every GHOST RIDER fan is going […]
Image announces sci-fi horror series Injection from Warren Ellis
Image Comics has announced that writer Warren Ellis and his Moon Knight creative team of artist Declan Shalvey and colorist Jordie Bellaire are reuniting for the new sci-fi horror series Injection, which will be published by Image Comics. Set in a dystopian future where the world has been poisoned, the first issue will focus on […]
Comic Book Review – Burning Fields #2
Zeb Larson reviews Burning Fields #2… As new murders arise across the oilfields of Iraq and their surrounding cities, strange alliances form: Dana and Aban delve into one another’s pasts in the search for the killers, while Verge, the private military company that blocks Dana and Aban at every turn, makes its own inroads on […]
Comic Book Review – IXth Generation #2
Villordsutch reviews IXth Generation #2… Aphrodite IX has the Witchblade and several other Artifacts have also appeared, destroying the delicately balanced utopia. Who is wielding the Darkness and why is it so hellbent on killing all of the IXs? To start on a positive with IXth Generation #2, the art from Stjepan Sejic is absolutely […]
Comic Book Review – 13 Coins #5
Villordsutch reviews 13 Coins #5… With Armageddon just around the corner, it’s time for John Pozner – our planet’s only hope against the coming holy skirmish – to step up and prove his worth in the eyes of the angels. But will he survive the trials ahead of him or be cast into bloody oblivion? […]
Comic Book Review – Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw #4
Zeb Larson reviews Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw #4… With the Great Champion away, the city is vulnerable to Goodfoot’s machinations. Autumnlands has really jelled as a series, especially now that Dunstan had a regular role in each issue. It’s interesting because not a whole lot really happens in this issue in terms of action. We’re […]
Marvel reimagines The Infinity Gauntlet with new Secret Wars tie-in
Prior to the big Secret Wars announcement, Marvel dropped a series of posters revealing that we’d be revisiting some of the publisher’s best-loved story arcs this summer – which of course we now know will pave the way for a reboot of the Marvel universe. We’ve already seen previews for the reimagined Inferno, Planet Hulk […]
Comic Book Review – Bitch Planet #3
Zeb Larson reviews Bitch Planet #3… “Too Big to Fail” reveals the specific events leading to zaftig Penny Rolle’s incarceration. ROBERT WILSON IV (Knuckleheads) joins KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) on art duties for this flashback issue. Bitch Planet is becoming a steamroller of a series, and it’s picking up speed as it […]
Marvel announces digital first miniseries Avengers Vs
Marvel Comics has announced that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will be headlining a new digital-first miniseries, Avengers Vs, which will see them going up against four of their greatest adversaries… “Avengers Vs is a collection of stories starring a cast of classic Avengers told in a classic Avengers style,” states writer Joe Caramagna. “Whether you’re a […]