Wolverine is heading into the Warzone as part of Marvel’s huge Secret Wars event this May, with Brian Michael Bendis (All-New X-Men) and Andrea Sorrentino (Green Arrow) resurrecting Old Man Logan for a brand new miniseries… “The original Old Man Logan story is a modern masterpiece,” says Marvel SVP, Sales & Marketing David Gabriel. “Fans […]
Wallcrawling Webslinging Warriors Cross into the Warzone for Secret Wars tie-in Spider-Verse
The biggest Spider-Man event of all-time – no, not the deal between Sony and Marvel, the other one – heads into the Warzone this may as spider-powered heroes from every universe find themselves stranged on Battleworld for the Secret Wars tie in Spider-Verse from writer Mike Costa (G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files) and artist Andre […]
Comic Book Review – Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 24
Andrew Newton reviews Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 24… The 24th volume of the UK bestselling Case Files series sees Dredd face one of his hardest challenges yet – cleaning up Mega-City One’s worst sector known as ‘The Pit’. He also must take on a relic of the Atomic Wars – the ABC Warrior Hammerstein! […]
Mad Max: Fury Road prequel comics announced for May
As we await the arrival of Mad Max: Fury Road, DC Comics imprint Vertigo has announced the release of the hardcover book Mad Max: Fury Road: Inspired Artists, which includes art influenced by George Miller’s seminal post-apocalyptic action series, along with four character-centric prequel comics. Check out the front and back cover to Inspired Artists, […]
Comic Book Review – Dredd Urban Warfare
Andrew Newton reviews Dredd Urban Warfare… Based in the world of the cult hit movie DREDD, this collection continues the story of Judges Dredd and Anderson in the dark post-apocalyptic city of Mega-City One. Includes the official DREDD prequel story,Top of the World Ma-Ma! by Matt Smith and Henry Flint. Put your hands up if you […]
Comic Book Review – Reyn #2
Andrew Newton reviews Reyn #2… Reyn returns Seph to her father and the Followers of Tek, who ask him to join them on a mission to stop the Venn from destroying Fate. Issue 2 of Reyn from Image Comics is out and my fears have been put to rest. There are many comic book series that […]
Planet Hulk smashes into the Warzone for new Secret Wars series
Sam Humphries (Legendary Star-Lord) and Mark Laming (All-New Invaders) are heading into the Warzone for Planet Hulk, a new Secret Wars series that will take us to the north pole of Battleworld for an epic rescure mission. “I wasn’t sure what to expect from Sam when he first sent in his pitch for Captain America […]
Comic Book Review – Zenith Phase Three
Villordsutch Reviews Zenith Phase Three… After saving London from the supernazi Masterman and a nuclear missile strike, the shallow superhuman popstar Zenith has found that his fifteen minutes of fame are almost up. With his career on the downturn, he agrees to go to Alternative 23 where another version of the WWII superhero,Maximan, is gathering […]
Comic Book Review – Witchblade #180
Villordsutch reviews Witchblade #180… DARKNESS FALLS IN WITCHBLADE! In another life Jackie Estacado was Sara Pezzini’s lover and the father of her child. Now he has used the power of the Darkness to endanger the whole of human existence and only the Witchblade can stop him. Here at last is the untold story…The Death Of […]
Comic Book Review – The Walking Dead #137
Zeb Larson reviews The Walking Dead #137… A future uncertain. The last ten issues of The Walking Dead have been, by the series’ standards, comparatively tranquil. Sure, people have died and zombies have been a threat, but nothing on par with the war against Negan. That’s all starting to unravel as the weak points in […]