Luke Owen reviews Star Wars #2… THE GREATEST SPACE ADVENTURE OF ALL TIME CONTINUES! The Rebel assault on Cymoon 1 continues! Luke Skywalker – cornered by Darth Vader! Han, Leia, and the others – trapped! Last month’s debut edition of Star Wars at Marvel was quite a decent little affair. It wasn’t spectacular in any […]
Entire 250 issue run of Spawn arrives in digital format
As Spawn reaches its landmark 250th issue – making it one of the longest-running independent comic books in history – Image Comics and Todd McFarlane Productions has announced that the entire library of Spawn comics is now available in digital format via, iBooks, Google Play, and “For fans waiting to jump back into Spawn, this is […]
Officer Downe adaptation secures financing, will be directed by Slipknot’s M. Shawn Crahan
The planned live-action adaptation of Joe Casey and Chris Burnham’s Officer Downe has secured financing, with Life Out Loud Films set to fund the project, which is being directed by M. Shawn Crahan, drummer and co-founder of Slipknot. “Very excited to dive back into badass muscular cinema akin to what we did in Crank,” said […]
An all-our arms race talks hold of Cybertron in Transformers: Combiner Wars
IDW has announced that the biggest Transformers publishing event of the year, Transformers: Combiner Wars, is set to get underway next month in the pages of the main Transformers title, along with the new series Transformers: Windblade. “We’re blowing the Transformers universe wide open with this series: showcasing new characters and new worlds in a […]
Todd McFarlane reveals Batman/Spawn crossover that never was
Todd McFarlane has taken to Facebook to discuss a never-before-seen and ultimately abandoned crossover between Batman and Spawn, which he would have penned with Greg Capullo providing pencils. Here’s a look at a cover the duo produced for the series: “Years ago there was a deal for DC Comics and myself to do a cool […]
Comic Book Review – Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s City on the Edge of Forever
Villordsutch reviews Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s City on the Edge of Forever… For the first time ever, a visual presentation of the much-discussed, unrevised, unadulterated version of Harlan Ellison’s award-winning Star Trek teleplay script, “The City on the Edge of Forever!” See the story as Mr. Ellison originally intended! Harlan Ellison’s Star Trek episode The City on the Edge […]
Marvel announces Secret Wars 2099
Well, the Marvel Universe is certainly going to go out with a bang this May with Secret Wars, with the publisher already announcing a host of tie-in titles to the epic event, and now we have another in Secret Wars 2099, which comes by way of Spider-Man 2099 creative team Peter David and Will Sliney. […]
Valiant announces superhero conspiracy thriller Dead Drop from Ales Kot and Adam Gorham
Valiant has announced a new four-issue limited series from Ales Kot (Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier, Secret Avengers) and Adam Gorham (Zero) entitled Dead Drop. A superhero conspiracy thriller, Dead Drop will bring the far corners of the Valiant Universe crashing down on New York City and sees X-O Manowar, Archer, Neville Alcott, Detective Cejudo […]
Comic Book Review – Nailbiter #10
Zeb Larson reviews Nailbiter #10… After several issues of inactivity, Nailbiter has finally started moving again this issue. It’s not even that we get some big juicy revelations in this issue, although there are a few small ones that should help us keep moving forward. After the slowness of the last three issues, I’m glad […]
Mark Millar and Sean Gordon Murphy travel through time with Chrononauts
Writer Mark Millar (Kick-Ass, Kingsman: The Secret Service) and artist Sean Gordon Murphy (Punk Rock Jesus, The Wake) are teaming up this March for a new sci-fi humour series from Image Comics entitled Chrononauts. Here’s a look at the cover to issue #1, followed by the official synopsis… In CHRONONAUTS, Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly […]