Star Trek #30 is out in comic shops and digital retailers this Wednesday, and you can get yourself a sneak peek at the issue below with the official preview from IDW Publishing… After the Day of Blood, Kahless II is a defeated, broken man who has but one path left: face himself. Thrown backward in […]
Comic Book Preview – Nick Fury Vs. Fing Fang Foom #1
Marvel Comics releases Nick Fury Vs. Fing Fang Foom #1 on Wednesday, and you can sink your fangs into the official preview of the one-shot comic from J. Michael Straczynski below… THE HOWLING COMMANDOS TAKE ON FIN FANG FOOM! NICK FURY knows how to handle problems, no matter the size – but he’s never faced […]
Marvel’s Emma Frost to lead new solo series with The White Queen
Marvel Comics has announced that Emma Frost is set to take centre stage in her own new solo series this June with the launch of Emma Frost: The White Queen, a five-issue limited series from writer Amy Chu (Red Sonja) and artist Andrea Di Vito (Deadpool). Set during the height of Emma’s supervillain notoriety when […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Trek: Lower Decks #5
IDW Publishing releases Star Trek: Lower Decks #5 on Wednesday, and you can take a look at the official preview of the issue below… Suspicious after the Cerritos docks for its second baryon sweep in the same year, Mariner sneaks into a command meeting. There, the Department of Temporal Investigations tasks the crew with finding […]
Comic Book Preview – Alien: Paradiso #4
Marvel Comics releases Alien: Paradiso #4 on Wednesday, and you can get yourself a sneak peek with the official preview below… THE BEST KILLERS IN THE GALAXY! That’s the reputation smuggler Ricky Valentine likes to cultivate, alongside his tough-as-nails bodyguard Tsula Kane. But they just met their first real competition. As xenomorphs surge through the […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #2
Marvel Comics releases Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #2 next week, and we have the official preview for you below; check it out… A RETURN TO TATOOINE! KYLO REN seeks out the home planet of his grandfather, ANAKIN SKYWALKER! The young tyrant must go up against GARDULLA THE HUTT and her guards…and a RANCOR! What […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman: Dark Patterns #4
DC Comics releases Batman: Dark Patterns #4 next week, and you can check out the official preview of the issue below… A NEW CASE KICKS OFF WITH A GRUESOME DISCOVERY! CASE 02: There is a strange tower in Gotham City where the voices of the living and the dead echo. Its inhabitants are in a […]
Comic Book Preview – The Herculoids #1
Hanna-Barbera’s The Herculoids makes its return today with the launch of a brand new comic series from Dynamite Entertainment; check out the official preview of the first issue below… Hidden in the furthest reaches of space, the planet of Amzot is legendary for its fabled riches — and for the terrible fates that befall anybody […]
Comic Book Preview – Vampirella #675
Dynamite Entertainment releases Vampirella #675 this Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview below… Following the shattering events of “The Dark World,” Vampirella’s analyst, Doc Chary, is brought before a review board to explain his “enabling” of Ella Normandy’s “vampire fetish”-inspired paracosm in this special anniversary issue marking a year since the countdown […]
Comic Book Preview – ThunderCats #13
Dynamite Entertainment releases ThunderCats #13 on Wednesday, and we have the official preview here… An unsung member of the ThunderCats takes center stage for this special issue in which actions speak louder than words! Lion-O’s beloved companion Snarf has always been something of an enigma. Often dismissed as a simple-minded figure of fun, his monosyllabic […]