Following on from the news of the Miles Morales-headlined Spider-Man series, Marvel has announced another of its upcoming ‘All New, All Different’ titles, with Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo set to reinvent the Sorcerer Supreme with the relaunched Doctor Strange. “None of Marvel’s other heavy hitters walk the same beat as Dr. Strange,” says Jason […]
R.I.P. Tony Longo (1961 – 2015)
Veteran American character actor Tony Longo has passed away aged 53, his manager Susan Ferris has announced. Born in New Jersey in 1961, Longo enjoyed a career spanning over thirty years; moving out to Los Angeles back in the early 1980’s he landed a recurring role on the hit TV series Alice, and films such as Sixteen Candles, […]
Stan Lee doesn’t want Peter Parker’s race or sexuality changed
Over the weekend, an email chain that leaked out of Sony showed that the deal between them and Marvel Studios comes with the demands that Peter Parker has to be white and heterosexual. This did cause a bit of a stir around the Internet, with people claiming Marvel and Sony are behind the times of […]
R.I.P. James Horner (1953 – 2015)
It is with heavy hearts that we here at Flickering Myth are reporting that Academy Award-winning composer James Horner has died at the age of 61. In addition to working on films, James Horner also enjoyed piloting, but unfortunately his small aircraft suffered a plane crash 60 miles north of Santa Barbera on Monday morning. […]
Ron Perlman says Hellboy 3 is “something we owe the fans”
Earlier this month, Ron Perlman encouraged fans to take to social media in an effort to help get the long-rumoured third instalment of the Hellboy franchise off the ground, and now Perlman has offered up a few more words on Hellboy III during an interview with Variety, stating that “it’s something we owe the fans.” […]
NBC cancels Hannibal after three seasons
Bad news for fans of Hannibal… NBC has announced that it has cancelled the series, with the current third season set to be the last on the network. “We have been tremendously proud of Hannibal over its three seasons,” said NBC in a statement today. “Bryan Fuller and his team of writers and producers, as […]
More Game of Thrones season 6 character descriptions
Yes the Season 5 finale just aired a week ago – and what a finale it was – but a show as big as Game of Thrones never really has a day off. In fact casting for Season 6 actually got underway back in May with several character breakdowns being sent out. Thanks to an […]
Jurassic World becomes the fastest movie to gross $1 billion worldwide
This won’t come as much of a surprise given that it ended its second weekend yesterday with $981 million in the bank, but Jurassic World has crossed the $1 billion mark today. The Colin Trevorrow-directed sequel becomes the fastest movie to reach that milestone, doing so in just 13 days of release around the globe, […]
Marvel Animation to showcase Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Ultron Revolution and Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister 6 at Comic-Con
Over the weekend we got word that Marvel Television is set to showcase Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter at the San Diego Comic-Con on Friday, July 10th, and now we’ve also got details on the Marvel Animation Presents panel which will take place the following day. The Marvel Animation Presents panel is set to […]
John Barrowman will return for Arrow season 4
He may have ascended to the role of Ra’s al Ghul at the end of Arrow‘s third season, but that’s not the last we’ll be seeing of Malcolm Merlyn. According to actor John Barrowman himself, Merlyn will return for season 4. Speaking with audiences at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con (via, Barrowman said: “We start filming […]