Jessie Robertson reviews the fourteenth episode of Arrow season 3… “How to prepare your daughter for Life….by unleashing a psychotic murderer after her on an Island,” by Malcolm Merlyn. New Age Parenting. Go figure. Tonight’s episode was a strange one as it seemed the flashbacks were the meat of the story, certainly getting a least […]
Movie Review – The Voices (2015)
The Voices, 2015. Directed by Marjane Satrapi. Starring Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick and Jacki Weaver. SYNOPSIS: Schizophrenic factory worker Jerry must decide whether to follow the advice of his psychotic, blood thirsty cat, Mr Whiskers or his good-hearted, loving dog Bosco, as he struggles to keep taking his meds and find some measure […]
Better Call Saul Season 1 Episode 3 Review – ‘Nacho’
Jackson Ball reviews the third episode of Better Call Saul… It’s been a week since Better Call Saul’s two-episode season premiere, and we’ve all had time to digest what we’ve seen from the much anticipated Breaking Bad prequel. There’s been many similarities drawn between the series and its predecessor, as well as some vital differences, […]
Comic Book Review – Burning Fields #2
Zeb Larson reviews Burning Fields #2… As new murders arise across the oilfields of Iraq and their surrounding cities, strange alliances form: Dana and Aban delve into one another’s pasts in the search for the killers, while Verge, the private military company that blocks Dana and Aban at every turn, makes its own inroads on […]
Best Picture 1991 – The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
To celebrate the Oscars this weekend, the Flickering Myth writing team look back at some of the previous Best Picture winners. First up, Helen Murdoch looks back at 1991’s The Silence of the Lambs… Winner of the Big 5 Academy Awards – Actor, Actress, Adapted Screenplay, Director and Picture – The Silence of the Lambs […]
The Flash Season 1 Episode 14 – ‘Fallout’
Jessie Robertson reviews the fourteenth episode of The Flash… Literal fallout as the episode began. But, the experiment worked. This episode was all about the two elements fused together to make Firestorm, Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein. Firestorm is a very difficult character to bring to screen, because it’s two distinct characters, and how do […]
Star Wars Rebels Review – ‘Rebel Resolve’
Chris Cooper reviews the twelfth episode of Star Wars Rebels, ‘Rebel Resolve’… I finally know how many episodes we have left. One. With everything we have going on in Rebels it’s going to have to be a very busy one to tie it all up. I’m dreading a cliffhanger. Don’t do it Disney! My biggest takeaway […]
Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 7 Review – ‘Snafu’
Amy Richau reviews the seventh episode of Agent Carter… This week’s episode of Agent Carter, “Snafu”, was a bit of a bust for me until the last 10 minutes. While there were a lot of things going on in the episode, I felt that the show was going through the motions more than truly entertaining […]
Comic Book Review – IXth Generation #2
Villordsutch reviews IXth Generation #2… Aphrodite IX has the Witchblade and several other Artifacts have also appeared, destroying the delicately balanced utopia. Who is wielding the Darkness and why is it so hellbent on killing all of the IXs? To start on a positive with IXth Generation #2, the art from Stjepan Sejic is absolutely […]
Comic Book Review – 13 Coins #5
Villordsutch reviews 13 Coins #5… With Armageddon just around the corner, it’s time for John Pozner – our planet’s only hope against the coming holy skirmish – to step up and prove his worth in the eyes of the angels. But will he survive the trials ahead of him or be cast into bloody oblivion? […]