Without a shadow of a doubt, Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror is one of the finest pieces of British television is some time. It may not be talked about or hyped as much as a Sherlock or Broadchurch, but Brooker’s delve into the dark recesses of science fiction writing is the sort of show that would […]
Blu-ray Review – Six Gothic Tales
Robert W Monk reviews Six Gothic Tales, a Blu-ray collection of the Roger Corman directed and produced adaptations of the Edgar Allen Poe stories The Fall of the House of Usher, The Pit and the Pendulum, Tales of Terror, The Raven, The Haunted Palace, The Tomb of Ligeia, starring Vincent Price, Barbara Steele, Peter Lorre, […]
Comic Book Review – The Humans #2
Andrew Newton reviews The Humans #2… From out of the smoke of their lost brothers’ funeral pyre comes a ghostly figure from the past. A long-thought-dead member returns to The HUMANS, bringing visions of hell and loss with him and a night of mourning quickly turns into an outta-sight homecoming party! Issue 2 of The […]
Comic Book Review – The Walking Dead #135
Zeb Larson reviews The Walking Dead #135… Face to face. It’s almost a trope for reviews of The Walking Dead to talk about fractures forming in the group. When in the book’s publication history has that not been true? Well, things are back to normal among the survivors after last issue’s attack by Carl on […]
BFI’s Sci-Fi Season: Blade Runner: The Final Cut (1982)
Blade Runner, 1982. Directed by Ridley Scott. Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Daryl Hannah and Edward James Olmos. SYNOPSIS: A blade runner must pursue and try to terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator. As part of the BFI’s Science Fiction season, […]
Movie Review – Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
Exodus: Gods and Kings, 2014. Directed by Ridley Scott. Starring Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Ben Kingsley, John Turturro, Aaron Paul and Sigourney Weaver. SYNOPSIS: The defiant leader Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting 600,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues. When revered […]
Movie Review – Whiplash (2014)
Whiplash, 2014. Directed by Damien Chazelle. Starring Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Paul Reiser, Melissa Benoist and Austin Stowell. SYNOPSIS: Young, talented jazz drummer Andrew is pushed to boiling point by a ferocious conductor determined to find the next great, leading to confrontations of of both psychological and physical proportions. “There are no two words in the English language more harmful,” […]
American Horror Story: Freak Show – Episode 9 Review
Alice Rush reviews the ninth episode of American Horror Story: Freak Show… This week saw American Horror Story: Freak show actually get a bit exciting. So far the show has been quite slow to take off, focusing on too many different characters and not giving enough time to a central storyline. Tensions within the camp […]
Constantine Season 1 Episode 7 Review – ‘Blessed Are the Damned’
Martin Carr reviews the seventh episode of Constantine… At the heart of this episode lies a theological debate centred on conflicting opinions; those of subjective faith and established dogma. For once the Hellblazer paradigm has been jettisoned in favour of an original piece of writing with a fresh approach. That it revels in an intentional […]
Book Review – Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson
Michelle Herbert reviews Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson… What if there were no heroes, only villains looking out for themselves? This is the question that Brandon Sanderson poses in his new series The Reckoners. We are so used to books, comics and TV shows that preach “with great power comes great responsibility” and time and time […]