Sarah Myles has a close encounter with the shark movie genre… Movie trends ebb and flow, with thematically similar stories washing through our cinemas at regular intervals. War films, biopics, westerns, slasher movies, ghost stories – each has its season, and they return again and again in cyclical fashion. One trend that seems to be […]
Theaters vs. Streaming: The Evolution of Cinema
Sarah Myles explores the great ‘Streaming Versus Movie Theatres’ debate, and discovers that everything is cyclical – even the evolution of cinema… Guess what? Cinema is not a static beast. It is a medium that is constantly evolving, and that evolution continues to be shaped by technological advancement – as it has always been. The […]
Cinema’s Damaged Heroine
Sarah Myles on cinema’s damaged heroine… “Badass.” As a word, it has become synonymous with determined women in movies. Why? Because that is how critics routinely describe them. “Black Widow gets extra bad-ass in this Avengers 2 trailer,” said Rob Bricken of i09. In Atomic Blonde, Charlize Theron plays “a career badass who enjoys both […]
The LEGO Movie Franchise: The Marriage of Movies and Merchandising
Sarah Myles on The LEGO Movie franchise and the marriage of movie merchandising… Forty years ago, there was a seismic shift in the film industry, when Bernard Loomis of Kenner Toys decided that Star Wars was ‘toyetic.’ That shift, all those years ago, has led us on a journey of courtship between movies and merchandising, […]