Robb Ghag recaps the second episode of The History Channel’s new drama Vikings… “All things begin with a story…” The show opens as Ragnar and Rollo enter a secret meeting in the home of Eric. Ragnar discusses his plans to sail west towards a mythical place, filled with riches, a place called England. The group […]
Vikings – Episode 1 Recap
Robb Ghag on the first episode of The History Channel’s new drama Vikings… … But Only the Boldest, Make History… In one of the shows last promos before the Season 1 premiere the tagline is as much for the viewers as it is for the channel.Typically shows on The History Channel deal with a documentary […]
Before They Were Famous… They Were in The X-Files
Gary Collinson with a selection of star names who made an early ‘before they were famous’ appearance in The X-Files… Over the past few months I’ve been revisiting Chris Carter’s classic science fiction TV series The X-Files and besides jogging my memory as to just how good of a pairing David Duchovny’s Fox Mulder and […]