Slasher Film meets Superheroes in Killer Bad, a new comic from writer Jeffrey Burandt and artist Jason Goungor which aims to answered the unasked question, “What if Friday the 13th jumped into bed with The Boys?” Check out a preview here…
Written by Jeffrey Burandt (Image Comics, IDW, Heavy Metal) and with art by Jason Goungor (Heavy Metal, Megadeth: Death By Design), KILLER BAD is an extreme look at everything that was good and bad during the ‘attitude era’ of Comics (the 1990s), served with a spicy side of satire. KILLER BAD is an unapologetic adult comic that praises the flair of the 1990s.
When an elite super-group travels to a remote island to retrieve a powerful artifact, they are stalked and killed by a super-slasher, serial killer. Killer Bad #1 is a grindhouse, gore-fest of world-shattering death and destruction!
Killer Bad #1 will be available to order on Kickstarter from August 2nd.