Netflix has announced the cast for its new original comedy series The Last Laugh, which is written and directed by Greg Pritikin (Dummy) and is in production now in New Orleans. Joining the series are Chevy Chase (National Lampoon’s Vacation), Richard Dreyfuss (Jaws), Andie MacDowell (Groundhog Day), Lewis Black (Inside Out), Kate Micucci (The LEGO Batman Movie) and Chris Parnell (Battle of the Sexes).
“It’s not surprising a script as poignant and funny as this attracted such award-winning talent,” said producer Rob Paris of Paris Film, Inc. “It’s a perfect fit for a distributor like Netflix because it has universal themes and internationally-recognizable stars. I’m beyond excited to begin production with our amazing team in New Orleans and our dream cast.”
The official synopsis for The Last Laugh reads:
After 50 years, talent manager and widower Al Hart reunites with former client Buddy Green who gave up a promising career as a stand-up comedian and instead settled down to have a family. After Al convinces Buddy to perform on a bucket list tour of classic standup venues across the U.S., Buddy gets on last taste of the life he could have had. The Last Laugh shows the rollercoaster ride of two men rekindling friendships, careers and ideas of the past while traveling around the country together.