Warner Bros.’ upcoming live-action/CG-animated Tom and Jerry movie has found its human lead, with Collider reporting that Chloe Grace Moretz (Suspiria) will take on the role of Kayla in the Tim Story-directed film.
According to the site, Moretz’s Kayla is a new employee at a posh hotel where Jerry takes up residence, threatening to ruin a glamorous wedding. Kayla hires the broke alley cat Tom to get rid of Jerry, but the duo find themselves forced to team up against Kayla’s villainous boss, who isn’t a fan of either.
Tom and Jerry has been set for release on April 16th 2021, and it has been confirmed that – as with their animated counterparts – neither character will speak in the movie.
Moretz’s recent credits include the likes of The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Suspiria and Greta; she has voice roles in Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs and The Addams Family, both of which are incoming this year, and is currently gearing up to play notorious criminal Bonnie Parker alongside Jack O’Connell’s Clyde Barrow in Love Is a Gun.