Netflix has released a new trailer for the upcoming drama Selena: The Series which stars Christian Serratos (The Walking Dead) as the ‘Queen of Tejano Music’ and explores Selena Quintanilla’s career from singing small gigs to becoming the most successful female Latin artist of all time; watch it here…
Before she became the Queen of Tejano Music, Selena Quintanilla was a young girl from Texas with big dreams and an even bigger voice. Selena: The Series explores her journey from singing small gigs to becoming the most successful female Latin artist of all time — and the years of hard work and sacrifice the Quintanilla family navigated together.
Part one of Selena: The Series arrives on Netflix on December 4th and features a cast that also includes Gabriel Chavarria, Ricardo Chavira, Noemí Gonzalez, and Seidy López.